Monday, June 28, 2010

CurlourHair2596 back on the air!

Hey yall! ok so im super excited because all of a sudden my camera decided to work! lol. im back up doing my youtube videos. im sooo excited!! I actually uploading now 3 new videos i did today and cant wait for you to see! so check out my channel. CurlourHair2596. Subscribe because im going to have a 500 subscribers contest one i hit 500. So thankss guys
P.S this doesnt mean im going to stop posting of course!!
Love ya,

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Review-Aussie mousse+leave in conditioner

Hey guys. So I'm going to be doing a review on this product right here. Its the new Aussie product. Its Aussie Mousse+leave in conditioner. So when i heard about this from many gurus i thought this would be a really cool product since it was so popular. A few days ago i got it at target for about 4 dollars. I mostly got it for the Leave In Conditioner. So i tried it in the shower as a regular conditioner. and so i thought it would make my hair curlier. Since the main product was a mousse i later found out. I take my showers mostly at night so there wasn't any point of doing that before i go to bed. However this would be great for after you went swimming and our hair is all crazy and you can use it. So if you take showers in the morning, this product is for you! lol I'm going to have to start doing that because it works really good!

Some of my random Favs and reviews

So for my favorite perfumes\body sprays, here are my top 4 favs. So the one on the left i got for my birthday and its from Bath and Body Works. (check it out cause idk if its still going on, but they are having this hello yellow sale that's aw some!) ok and its not a spray thingy it actually is something you rub on you and it makes you smell good so i thought that's neat. ok then next to that one is a body spray in Pink Grapefruit which is also from the hello yellow sale lol and this is such a refreshing smell! Then next to that one is one from Hollister. the scent is coastal cove. This is probly my favorite out of the 4 because its so beachy and refreshing and just ahhhmazing lol. Ok then finally is one i like to use before i have a lacrosse or soccer game or a practice, or just like when i know im gonna sweat. because it stays on you for a very long time which i really like. oh and its also in Pink Grapefruit to and i got it from any local drugstore

So these are my 4 favorite lotions. So to start off is the one on the left. honestly im not sure where they sell the seacrets products, since mine was a gift to me. But its actual minerals from the dead sea mixed into a very good lotion that is Cucumber and melon. this is a very moisturizing and smooth. i really enjoy putting this on after i shave lol. So next to that one is a smaller lotion that i keep in my purse. Its from bath and body works and its one of there new scents called twilight woods. This is the best smelling lotion in the history of lotions personally! its so smooth and just good to quickly smooth out your hands. Ok then is a large one that is also from Bath and Body works. In, again, Pink Grape fruit...see a pattern? lol this one is just again a very refreshing smell and i just really like it. Ok lastly is a lotion that for some reason i only use in the winter. I guess just cause of the scent which smells kinda like a mix of lavender and Cinnamon so idk i still really like it though and this was a gift as well so im not sure where i bought it from.

Now onto my favorite shoes. So on the left are my sperrys!!!!! love them!!! hands down favorite shoes! they are getting warn-down from wearing them so much but they are so cute, comfortable and easy to put on so they are a must have i think. Next to those are my favorite winter shoes. There my moccasins. i know these are super duper popular. But yeh i mean since they have fuz on the inside i only wear them in the winter. I think i got mine last year from target. Oh and my sperrys i believe from shoe Dept.? but you can get both of those probably anywhere. Ok then the last two i got from American Eagle. and the One on the left is a very simple brown leather Stitching. but very in too. Ive always wanted rainbows but these are basically the same and only 30 dollars. Then the last ones were 30 dollars. and very comfortable believe it or not. and my favorite summer shoe also hands down. You can wear these with a dress, skirt, sports shorts, jean shorts, just about anything which i really like. So yeppers thanks for reading and sorry this might have been kinda long

Friday, June 25, 2010

Tips On Making sure your Drinking plenty of water this summer

~ Always keep a water glass or bottle near by when you are sitting for a while. Such as at work, While watching TV, on the computer etc.

~Carry a water bottle with you where ever you go so you are always staying hydrated of course :)

~Personally i like to keep a cool designed water bottle so i enjoy drinking out of it.

~You could add lime or lemon to your water to enhance the taste and you'll want to drink more

~When you are at home, try drinking your water through a glass cup rather than a bottle. This is because the glass will keep the water more cold. Who wants to drink warm water? not me!

~Plus one important reason it'd be better to drink from a reusable water bottle is to cut down on what you throw away.

-Dehydration doesn't only affect your skin, but your whole body. So make sure you are drinking your water for your own health

My Summer Health Plan

hey guys! ok so I'm going to tell you about the exercises and things i like to eat. ok so first off, since i play club lacrosse (GO GTLC!) we have many tourneys and practices so i get a great workout on those days. But for me that's not enough. I haven't actually started this yet to be honest but only because I've been so busy ha ha, but yeah back to subject! So i like to drive up to my High school's Track and run for a little bit maybe a mile and a recovery lap then another mile. (and of course stretch before and after!) So if you don't play sports year round that's an easy thing to do. Also i go for jogs,walks, and bike rides almost every single day with my Friend. (which is so fun to do and a good motivation!) and i live deep into the country so its easy to run without worrying about a car of course lol. but obviously anyone could do those things too. Lastly im not sure if this applies to some people or not, but i get on my wii Fit and the new Just dance game for wii all the time and believe it or not dancing is a phenomenal exercise! Ok so now on to my diet. Since its hot outside, i dont know why but i just hate eating junk food! So for breakfast ill usalyl have a gogurt (yes i know but they are so fun!) some trail mix, maybe so fruits and veggies and OJ. For lunch i'd have a turkey sandwich on toast with some ranch dressing and veggies on top and all that good jazz. and my sides could be things like 100 calorie snacks,more trail mix haha so good! and For dinner finally we have lots of fish,chicken and steak. and we always have tons of veggies as well from our garden. And i know im not perfect so im sure somewhere along those meals ill have some ice cream or a few chips because believe it or not, if you dont eat to many carbs, they can be good for you. So i hope this helped and i really enjoyed talking to you about becoming or staying healthy so i hope you have a great day

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

follow this Blog

Hey yall. ok so i know i have just recently put up my blog so im not exspecting a whole lot of readers for now, but until i do, im just going to explain the things i have planned to post (i dont have any time what so ever to do them this week but i have basically bothing plannd for next week so be exspecting those) anyways, back to my future posts. ok so as you all know its hard for me to continue my videos on youtube for the time being. So in replace ive said i will be step by step pictures like a lot of other bloggers are doing. So here are the things you will be seeing soon... ~ My favorites for this summer
~A Huge mall\B-day Haul
~ Many diffrent TAGS
~ Some french braiding hair Tutorials involving that look
~Products i Regret Buying
~A few quick on the go hairstyles
~ And sooooo much more!!
So please follow this blog and be looking out for those exciting new posts!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Buauty and Hair Tips and Tricks

1. If your hair appears greasy, form either to many products or just not a good hair day to decrease it, Sprinkle translucent powder over your roots, then simply brush through carefully.

2. To remove the redness of pimples just add vaseline

3. If your looking for the best possible leave-in conditioner for your hair, yes this may seem weird but it works, is room fabric softener but make sure your dilute it. (1 cup water, 1\2 cup fabric softener)

4. A little bit of red and orange in the center of your lips makes them appear fuller

5. hen you color your hair, honestly its best to do it when you haven't washed your hair for about a day. This is because the natural hair oils will cling to better to hair that is not dry.

6. To take away the dark cirlces under your eyes put potato slices on top of them for about 5-10 minutes or until its necessary.

7. Right form the can, Crisco is very good for removing makeup and works great as a moisturizer also

8. Lightly powder lashes to give them a base to cling to

i cant wait to hear if thses tips and tricks worked for you so leave a comment :)

Hair videos??

hey guys! so this is my first post of the many more soon to come and im super excited!! So if you have seen any of my few videos you would know that my camera is terrible which means i cant upload hardly any videos that ive already recored :( so now im thinking i could, in the mean time when i dont have my new camera yet, use step by step pictures to do tutorials and things like im sure youve all seen before. i have so many ideas and post i really look foward to sharing with you so just let me know your input please thanks :)