Friday, June 25, 2010

My Summer Health Plan

hey guys! ok so I'm going to tell you about the exercises and things i like to eat. ok so first off, since i play club lacrosse (GO GTLC!) we have many tourneys and practices so i get a great workout on those days. But for me that's not enough. I haven't actually started this yet to be honest but only because I've been so busy ha ha, but yeah back to subject! So i like to drive up to my High school's Track and run for a little bit maybe a mile and a recovery lap then another mile. (and of course stretch before and after!) So if you don't play sports year round that's an easy thing to do. Also i go for jogs,walks, and bike rides almost every single day with my Friend. (which is so fun to do and a good motivation!) and i live deep into the country so its easy to run without worrying about a car of course lol. but obviously anyone could do those things too. Lastly im not sure if this applies to some people or not, but i get on my wii Fit and the new Just dance game for wii all the time and believe it or not dancing is a phenomenal exercise! Ok so now on to my diet. Since its hot outside, i dont know why but i just hate eating junk food! So for breakfast ill usalyl have a gogurt (yes i know but they are so fun!) some trail mix, maybe so fruits and veggies and OJ. For lunch i'd have a turkey sandwich on toast with some ranch dressing and veggies on top and all that good jazz. and my sides could be things like 100 calorie snacks,more trail mix haha so good! and For dinner finally we have lots of fish,chicken and steak. and we always have tons of veggies as well from our garden. And i know im not perfect so im sure somewhere along those meals ill have some ice cream or a few chips because believe it or not, if you dont eat to many carbs, they can be good for you. So i hope this helped and i really enjoyed talking to you about becoming or staying healthy so i hope you have a great day

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